I start with a drawing:

Big Kid Helper, Little Kid Helper cover sketch, 2018, 10″ x 12″, Pencil on paper

Next, I trace the whole thing onto tracing paper and cut out the shapes that will be represented by different colors of felt. I end up with a shirt blob, a hair blob, a chair blob – you get the idea.

I then trace the outlines of these shapes onto the felt and cut them out too. Next, I reassemble everything onto a background. It’s like putting together a puzzle! I stitch down my puzzle pieces and, finally, embroider the details, adding in whatever baroque flourishes I think the work needs.

A fun part of the process is determining which stitches best depict, say, the texture of a knitted sweater or the pattern of a gingham romper. 
Ta-da! The finished product!

Big Kid Helper, Little Kid Helper, 2018, 10″ x 12″, Embroidery on felt
